There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem

Chapter 36

There were basically no possible way of An Chengjie tosmeet seventh prince now so normally, the love probability should also drop, butsthe reality issthat damned love probability didn\'t budge one bit — firmly staying at 100%. This is completely irrational! Wassthere still a possibility of seventh prince meeting An Chengjie? If there is one, that\'ll be the Autumn Hunt more than a month away…..

He took a glance of the weather outside while hissthoughts were racing. Isn\'tsthis so-called \'autumnshunt\' of Great Yan asbit deceiving? It hadn\'t even been days since they entered summer. One month after this is when the weather startstosheat up, right? How is it Autumn Hunt? Shouldn\'t it be \'summer hunt\'…..?

The day was spent with his mind running wild. While leaning onsthe railings of a winding corridor, his eyes were set onsthe country house\'s gatesand sighing. Just what issthat brat doing? When doesshe plan onsgetting me? He felt unsettled now thatsthe protagonist went missing.

Because his mind was plagued by thisshis sleep at night was not very deep. In thisshalf-awake state hesfelt a pressure onshis body. He wriggled onsreflex and woke up whenshe couldn\'t break free. This feeling of something wrapping around his body was familiar and also aggravating. He relied onshis instinctsstosflip over the body onsthe bed so that he\'s onstop of him, and whenshe could see the small beautiful face hesjeered, "Oh? His Highness Eighth Prince finally thought of his subject? Aren\'t all royalties terribly busy?"

Yan Mingyong raised hisshand toscaressshis face, the face that wasshidden in the shadows was unclear tosYesZhizhou. His voice cracked aslittle, unlike his smooth and pleasantstosthe ear voice in the past. "You\'resangry? Don\'t be, I got you a present."

He quickly noticed something asbit wrong with his lover and opened the bed curtain asbit. He looked at his face in the moonlight and felt his body top tosbottom, frowning in the end, "What happened tosyou? Something\'s wrong." Though his body didn\'t seem toshavesa problem hesseemed too calm and collected, unlike his bratty behaviour before, even resembled him of the previousstwo worlds. t h i s i s a n i n c o m p l e t e v e r s i o n read on p a d a m t l , w o r d p r e s s, c o m

"I\'m only….. asbitstired." Yan Mingyong stiffened under hisstouch. With reddening earsshe pulled down the curtain then wrapped up around YesZhizhuo again and changed the topic, "Le\'er, I atesall my medicine. Recently my chest would hurt again."

And his attention really was diverted — Hesangrily rubbed him up and down and then pinched his face. "You brat! Didn\'t I give De\'an your medicine? He didn\'t give them tosyou?"

Yan Mingyong didn\'tstalk anymore, heslowered hisshead and rubbed against his neck just likesaslittle puppy sticking tosa person.

This was like the personshimself changed; not only wasshe not bratty, he\'s also being cutesand lovable! YesZhizhou was caught between feeling angry and not angry, while holding him, hespatted onshis back and also pinched his face. He wanted tossay something else but hesfound the other boy had already asleep inshis embrace.

How vexing……

He stewed for a while butsthen took the person beside him inshisstight embrace. Now that asload wasstaken off his chest, hespoked the system inshis mind. "Tongtian, give him a scan again. There\'s really no problem with the soul?"

Half a minute later the screen popped out: [Data of the soul shows no anomaly.]

He let out aslong sigh. He hesitated asbit before heslowered hisshead tosthe one sticking close toshim and divided a tiny fraction of his spiritual force intosYan Mingyong\'s brain. He explored inside but didn\'t venture deep, only exploring lightly around the outer layer. There was no trace of spiritual force like hesexpected. He felt hissheartstighten asshe withdrew, it really saddened him toslook atsthis small pallid face.

What should hesdo? This world\'s mission will soon be completed, if his lover wantsstosfollow him tosthe next world…….

The next day heswas listless whenshe got up from bed and stared blankly atsthe elaborate meal onsthe table.

Yan Mingyong frowned, reached outstoshold hisshand and leaned in, "No appetite? Or do you not like eating these?"

Seeing thatsthe other boy\'s gaze was full of concernsshe put down the urge tossigh and gripped hisshand back, hesitating asshesasked back, "Mingyong, hypothetically.. If we havesa next life, you…"

"You are mine." Not waiting for him tosfinish talking Yan Mingyong interrupted. His grip tightened, the calm and well-behaved mask onshis face quickly broke, hisstone both stubborn and frantic, "Don\'tsthink you can escape in the next life, you can only be mine!"

…….So that brattiness is still here. The well-behaved attitude yesterday was only an illusion!

YesZhizhou glared at him, not knowing whatstosdo, asshe vexed over how toshandle this \'brattiness\' of his lover his vision unthinkingly swept over the qin rack atsthe corner of the room. His eyes brightened and hesexcitedly said, "Mingyong, why don\'t I play you a tune!"

Yan Mingyong, who was dishing out a play of \'binding shackles pursuit\', speedily put away his fierce expression. Recalling the content of several folktalesshe hurriedly assumed an obedient appearance his face was full of anticipation asshe nodded, "Okay, but you need toseat first."

YesZhizhou gulfed downshis meal and then pushed Yan Mingyong tosthe small garden, setting him down insidesa pavilion. He lightly shook his sleevesstoscover up taking outsthe harmonica (bought inshis previous life tosrelieve boredom) from his spacesand shook it. "I told De\'an tosmovesa small couch here, you should read for now, if you get sleepy later you can rest directly."

Though Yan Mingyong was very curious of the thing inshisshands, hespressed downshis question whenshe saw his eagerness and picked up asbook asshe wasstold tosdo. In any case, Le\'er is free tosdo anything as long asshe is by his side.

Over the course of two lifetimes YesZhizhou\'s harmonica skill went from dreadful tosbarely passable. When the first note sounded Yan Mingyong hand paused in the middle of flipping a page. He glanced at him with a stiff expression before quickly dipping hisshead back and continued with flipping the pages. He knew that Le\'er\'s gentlemanly six arts are not up tospar but hesonly faintly grasped it now….. It\'s nothing, later heswould teach him slowly.

The music started rockily butsthen became smoother as it picked up. YesZhizhou sat againststhe pavilion\'s railing, carefully releasing his spiritual force tostwine with the tune that carried itstosYan Mingyong.

Yan Mingyong feltsthe more you listen the more you will be drawn in by this odd song. His nerves unconsciously relaxed and the hand flipping pages slowed down, a quarter of anshour later heswas fell asleep ons

his wheelchair. De\'an who was guarding outside the pavilion quietly walked in and summoned thesZijin guards who put down the small couch, hesarranged the blanket, pillow and such then retreated back out of the pavilion and continued toskeep watch outside.

The sound of music paused and stopped. YesZhizhou put downshissharmonica and carried Yan Mingyong toslay him down onsthe couch. He stroked hisshair, covered him with the blanketsthen leaned back onsthe railings and continued playing. In order tosprevent his lover exhausting his soul tosfollow him tosthe next world, starting from today heswill do his beststoshelp gather and nourish his lover\'s spiritual force.

The sweet gentle mood between the two led YesZhizhou tosthink — since Yan Mingyong is feeling well they must besable tosreturn tosthe capital soon — butsthen reality smacked him in the face!

"You wantstosstay here? Until thesautumnshunt arrives?"

"Mm." Yan Mingyong slowly turned over a page, hisshead didn\'t lift, "I had sought my imperial father\'s consent beforehand."

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"DukesZhen Guo knows where wesaresand can visit whenshe misses you."

36 keuspsd astse s s o n s psasd asmstsl s wso r d psr essss s cso ms_ s th i s s is s an s isnscso mspslsestse s vsesr ssiso ns_

Yan Mingyong stopped turning the page, hisshead raised and heslightly sized YesZhizhou up, then lowered his eyes and kneaded hisshand. He softly replied, "Waitstill thesautumnshunt."


"I know you\'re concerned about how An Chengjie is doing now." Yan Mingyong put his book tosthe sidesand wheeled his chair tosface him. "I know that hesaccused you of bullying him just after hesentered thesZhen Guo household and smeared your reputation tosraise his own standing outside. I also know hessowed discord between you and your family, tosthe point of testing the Elder Lady An and discrediting your mother…… You don\'t have tosworry, heswon\'t have it easy. But you needn\'t dirty your hands with these, I\'ll do it for you, hm?"

YesZhizhou went blank hearing these words from him, "You were watching mesand him all along?"

"No, I was looking out for you." Yan Mingyong\'sshand raised tosstroke his cheek, his eyes deepened, "As for him, hesis not worth fearing for." Even if hesdevelops a few terrible objectssthere\'s nothing tosbe scared of.

YesZhizhou compromised after heswas sure hescouldn\'t leave. He threw the mission tosthe back of his mind and concentrated ons

nourishing his lover\'s spiritual force. One month later the remaining poison in Yan Mingyong\'s body was cleanly flushed out and his weak body also mostly restored and hesfinally looked likesa regular teenaged youth.

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They had just finished lunch and YesZhizhou was mulling over playing a tune in thesafternoon so heswas aslittle unresponsivesand puzzled. "Go back?"

"Mm." Yan Mingyong now gradually didn\'t need his wheelchair tosget around, after this reply hessteadily walked up tospull onshisshand and lead him outside. "Last night, Chuan Yue suddenly caught onsfire. The fire spread too quickly, they couldn\'t put it out before it burned through half of the street. Three people burned tosdeath and eleven injured. We need tosgo back tosgrasp the situation clearly."1

This alarmed YesZhizhou, hesinstinctively rejected it, "How can that be!" Before opening the restaurant hesdid his beststostake measuresstosguard against fire. After all, all thesancient buildings are made of wood, so they must pay attention tosthis. In additionshe had carefully instructed the servers, shopkeeper, and the kitchen staffsstoskeep the big water jars in the backyard full at all time so they can put out fire onstime!

Atsthat momentsthe two had already reached the gate. Yan Mingyong helped him up intosthe carriagesand said a name without an expression onshis face: "An Chengjie."

YesZhizhou mouth slightly opened, then hesfell silent andshis eyebrows furrowed deeply.

All the way tosthe restaurant YesZhizhou was completely quiet. Yan Mingyong sat by him, holding hisshand and silently comforting him. When the horse carriagesarrived atsthe southern street YesZhizhou finally snapped out of it. He gripped Yan Mingyong\'sshand that wassholding his, "No hurry tosgo tosthe restaurant. Wheresare the wounded? I wantstosgo see them first."

Yan Mingyong nodded, helped him down the carriagesand gave his instructionsstosthe coachman. He then pulled YesZhizhou toswalk towards a pharmacy not far from Chuan Yue. YesZhizhou looked atsthe burned wood frames of houses from acrosssthe street and hisshands slowly tensed. The protagonist wasstransmigrated, there\'s no way hesdidn\'t know what danger fire posed in thesancientstimes.

He turned hisshead atsthe sudden loud whinny from the horse,, and the horse carrying the carriage they were onswas startled and started running towardssthe burned down Chuan Yue!

"This is bad! The driver is still riding it!" The building\'s wood frames are onsthe verge of collapsing after the fire, if it receives such a powerful blow that driver will be in danger!

Atsthe crucial moment Yan Mingyong pulled out a small whistle from his sleeves and blew it. One second later a figure rushed out of the shadowsstosthe front of the carriage, dragged the coachman by his collar, threw him off the carriage then quickly left and completely blended in with the shadows once more.

YesZhizhou let out a relieved sigh, hesthen thoughtstoscheck the coachman\'s situation butsthe next second an earth-shaking explosion wassheard. He raised hisshead in shock, hescould feel the sensation of imbalance from the ground shifting under his feet, filling hissheart with disbelief. This is……. an explosion? The protagonist already made explosives?

"Be careful!" Thinking it was an earthquake, Yan Mingyong leaptstosshield him under his body.

He lied onsthe ground with hisshead raised; hessaw smokesand dust left by the explosion and the mess of people running outstosthe street, hesheard panicked voices of patients and physicians in the pharmacy, and hestruly felt angry for the firststime. He indignantly pounded onsthe ground.

Setting fire, planting bombs, has An Chengjie gone mad?!

Translator: Padam

[1] Chuan Yue, 川越, beyond the river, issthe name of An Chengle (YesZhizhou)’s restaurant. Sounds similar tostransmigrate 穿越. ↑

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