So I Am A Demon Descendent!

Chapter 346: Monster Trapped Underground

Chapter 346: Monster Trapped Underground

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

With this in mind, the members of the Soul Destroying Alliance consciously distanced themselves from the Thai woman after they set foot on the avenue. They could not continue to ignore such a dangerous non-ally to be with them.

Vengeful spirits were not terrifying, and were even quite low-level. Even a demon descendant who was a junior-level employee can easily destroy them. However, there were always exceptions. Even the best of the demon descendants community are afraid to encounter some ghosts.

As Faul Anderson walked and gazed behind him, 100 meters behind them, the woman was holding the baby, humming a leisurely tune, like a young mother holding the child for a walk after dinner.

Born in the birthplace of Red Terror, he was born into a nation of fighters, and was also a combat representative of his family.

When he was ten years old, he rode on a brown bear and ran all over the mountains, and beat up his uncle severely when he was fifteen years old when sparring.

He easily entered the top S-class at the age of forty, and is expected to advance to the top of half step Gokudo before the age of sixty.

Faul Anderson’s resume was so impressive that it lasted three days and three nights if you had to read all his achievements. He fought thousands of battles in more than twenty years and killed countless strong enemies.

When Russia and the European nations were tearing at each other in the past few years, he went to the battlefield in person, killing dozens of demon descendants of European descent alone.

However, in this era, demon descendants were playing a smaller and smaller role on the battlefield. Before the industrial revolution, the demon descendants were fierce soldiers.

After the Industrial Revolution, they gradually withdrew from the historical stage of war. By World War II, demon descendants were more engaged in assassinations and espionage.

A master of Faul Anderson’s class can still play a big role in modern battlefields. But it was also dangerous. Maybe he would screw up at some point. Training to become a top S-class costs a lot of resources. It was a loss to die on the battlefield.

Low-level demon descendants couldn’t withstand bombs, and top-level demon descendants couldn’t withstand missiles, which was why they were gradually retreating from the historical scene.

Before the Industrial Revolution, demon descendants all over the world were active in politics and the military.

In ancient China, demon descendants organizations were part of the imperial court and served them. In Europe’s Middle Ages, religious organizations ruled Europe for a time.

However, after the age of hot weapons began, the world’s demon descendants were almost invisible behind the scenes.

From a historical perspective, it was the wisdom of most humans that trumped over a small group.

From the point of view of species evolution development, the human technology system had trumped the supernatural system of the ancient demons.

However, even a fierce man like Faul Anderson felt that he was under deep pressure. He was very wary of the woman behind him, or should we say, the baby in her arms.

“Shit, what the hell is that.” Faul Anderson cursed in a low voice.

“If I’m not wrong, it’s the Holy Infant from Thailand.” Wright Green of the United States Dawn Alliance replied solemnly.

“Holy Infant?” Eva Carpe frowned.

The Carpe family rarely have female family masters, and Eva Carpe, the second daughter of the current family master, was just 30 years old, and a top S-class. Few from her older generation could beat her, not to mention her peers.

She became a pillar of her family at a young age, and has been hailed as the most likely woman to become a family master in nearly eighty years. Her flirtatious nature was as famous as her talent.

Famous young handsome men of the French demon descendants community have slept with her. No, it should be European or American handsome men. As long as he was handsome and famous, he had more or less been rumored to have sex with her.

There were plenty of interesting stories about this, and one of the things that is most celebrated in France was: It was said that a fairly capable demon descendant had planned to have a marriage alliance with the Carpe family.

The guy was the first son who was an elegant gentleman. He was wowed after meeting Eva Carpe and started to pursue her madly.

The process went smoothly. They dated on the first day and sex on the second day. After having sex, the gentleman said in satisfaction, “Baby, marry me.”

If Eva Carpe agreed, it would be a romantic story. What was interesting was that the lady got dressed, took 10,000 pounds out of her purse, threw it on the bed, and said, “Good size, but you lack skills. Go train your skills and look for me after a few years.”

The gentleman was so mad that he cried in bed.

Wright Green said slowly, “In the early 1990s, there was a major incident that happened in the Thai demon descendants community, where a cult combined vengeful spirits with Gu poison techniques to create the first Holy Infant.”

“The newborn Holy Infant grew up by devouring the vengeful spirits, and when its eyes turned into black pupils, vengeful spirits could no longer satisfy it. It needed to devour the primordial spirit of demon descendants to grow.”

“When it grows a single horn on its head, the Holy Infant is considered to be rather successful and is a half-step to Gokudo. When the horn takes full form, the formulation of the Holy Infant has succeeded and is a Gokudo. However, it requires high quality and massive amounts of primordial spirit as nutrients.”

“This thing is said to have grown up by devouring primordial spirits and there is no limit. Thus, it is known as the Unparalleled War Spirit of Thailand.”

“No way!” The leaders of the various forces countered.

They were so sensitive to the words “Unparalleled War Spirit” that they didn’t even think about it and directly rejected Wright Green’s words.

Wright Green shrugged. “I don’t know if there’s truly no limit, but the Holy Infant then was absolutely a Gokudo. The official demon descendant organization of Thailand had exhausted all their resources to annihilate it.” Wright sighed. “Every Gokudo is a disaster.”

Gauss Kashub from the German Kashub family stared intensely at Wright Green, the middle aged man with a knight sword on his back asked, “How do you know this?”

Wright Green replied, “The Holy Infant then was actually created by the official demon descendant organization of Thailand and The Association of Superpowered Beings, and it was an experiment. If it succeeds, Thailand will share the secret of creating the Holy Infant to The Association of Superpowered Beings.”

The Association of Superpowered Beings was the official organization of the United States, and the Dawn Alliance is a consortium. Both parties were competitors, and there was no lack of fighting and conflicts.

The demon descendant families of all European countries all scoffed, apparently accustomed to the way of Americans.

Eva Carpe frowned and asked, “Why did they destroy the Holy Infant then?”

“They couldn’t control it.” Wright Green hummed. “Why did the Qing Dynasty seal the Unparalleled War Spirit? It was because it was out of control that they allowed the Unparalleled War Spirit to go on a massacre. We retreated in the face of difficulties and at the worst, we could just leave.”

“However, the Qing dynasty suffered the most losses. Compared to a deranged Unparalleled War Spirit, it’s clear that surrender and a reparations treaty were more cost effective.”

“Thailand also went down the old road of the Qing Dynasty. The Holy Infant got out of control. In order to give an account to the world, they pinned the blame on a non-existent cult organization.”

“The Gokudo stage has to be cultivated step by step. Any act of shortcut will eventually lead to... Well, in Chinese terms: retribution.” Wright reasoned.

Faul Anderson suddenly lowered his voice. “Did anyone notice if the monster behind us has horns?”

Several leaders looked at each other and ended up shaking their heads.

The baby was swaddled securely, and no one had thought it was such a horrible monster, so they didn’t pay attention.

“Let’s try not to get into a conflict with it, but if we do, we shouldn’t fear it.” Eva Carpe said.

There were eight top S-class members in the Soul Destroying Alliance, and more than ten average S-class members. There were also more than thirty A+ ranked senior employees, so such a line-up will cause a Half-Step Gokudo to be defeated.

However, their goal was the Unparalleled War Spirit, so they were unwilling to invite trouble.

After more than half an hour, Gauss Kashub from Germany suddenly froze. “Have you guys noticed something wrong?”

After sensing the atmosphere, there was nothing unusual about it, and people looked back at the Thai woman. She was smart to distance herself from the European and American demon descendants and there was nothing amiss about her.

“The river. The river’s monster.” Gauss Kashub’s eyes widened. “Didn’t they say there were monsters in the river? Why have we gone so long without any movement?”

With that, everyone reacted.

The ground was strewn with corpses, blood stains and the wreckage of arthropods. That was enough to suggest the dangers of the Black River, but they had come so far without encountering a monster. That didn’t make sense.

Harboring confusion, they came to the end of the road and saw the huge bronze door. Until then, there was no danger.

Beneath the bronze gate, stood the Great Demons’ Alliance members who had long arrived. The “Emperor” stood with her hands behind her back, looking up at the bronze gate. The nine guards stood beside her as she stood in the center.

“Beautiful.” Wright Green expressed the opinion of all the men present.

In their own countries and families, they were high-ranking, and have seen all kinds of beauties. However, they were deeply attracted by the sight of the Emperor of the Great Demons’ Alliance.

No matter how picky they were and no matter how uninterested they were in women, they were attracted by her silhouette.

Eva Carpe was aware of her beauty and was prideful, but in front of this woman, she was completely not of the same league.

“This woman feels dangerous to me,” Faul Anderson said gravely.

Gauss Kashub nodded. “Me too.”

When the Thai woman arrived slowly, Li Peiyun who was sitting in a corner recuperating, stood up. “Since everyone is here, after this door is opened, our employment relationship ends here.”

He took out the keys to the Great Deities Palace and retracted the qi. The keys immediately flew out and embedded itself into a notch.

A light-cyan glow enveloped the bronze door and seeing this light, the Aoki family members immediately became excited.

The bronze gate slowly opened.


The palace had no doors, no roofs, only high walls and columns. The palace turned out to be more like a prison cell than a palace.

That was because everything here was so simple and incredibly empty. It resembled a prison cell because inside the vast palace, at the center, was a square pool. It was sixty meters long, forty meters wide and one could not see the end of it.

The depth of the square pool was about the height of the foundation under foot, and the interior of the foundation was hollow.

Standing at the edge of the pool, one can see four walls of the pool several meters below, with huge chains embedded in it. The size of the chains was reminiscent of the anchor chains of those luxury cruise ships.

However, they were clearly not as simple as the ship’s anchor chain, with four chains extending to the pitch-black bottom of the pool, where cold air rose.

“Is there something trapped underneath?” some people asked in trepidation.

People who saw the square pool and chains couldn’t help but think of prison cells. With the size of the chains, what was trapped underneath was probably a massive entity.

“We just have to go down to take a look to see what’s trapped underneath,” Thunderlord stated nonchalantly.

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