I'm Not Shouldering This Blame

Chapter 25

“In a nearby clinic. I took a 120 ambulance to the hospital.”

“......let’s go to the clinic first?” Li Fei used a questioning tone,but the car has already been started so Jian Hua can only agree. He pulled the door open and sat in the backseat。

Li Fei casually looked back as if nothing happened. “Why not go to the passenger seat? It’s more convenient.”

“I’m worried about the monsters that are hard to handle. If they attacked the car, I could escape halfway.” Jian Hua thought about it very carefully.


The actor secretly sighed. He didn’t really expect it to go well. He followed the directions of Jian Hua and decided to cross the road. The distance from the hospital to Jian Hua’s home is not short. Though the car is not a good shield, at least you don’t have to use your ability. If they meet another group of hairballs,they can just hit them and send them flying。

Driving in a silent city brought a different kind of pleasure。

Li Fei enjoys this feeling while Jian Hua is trying to probe their surroundings. He did not find any person making him think if this overlapping space only appeared beneath him and Li Fei?

“Wait a minute!” Jian Hua suddenly felt a terrible presence。

Li Fei subconsciously hit the brakes,eventually slowing down。

“Turn around. Drive back!”

The actor did so without hesitation. When the car travels briskly towards the other road, Jian Hua gave a new instruction, “Stop, don’t move.”

Not a moment later,there was a movement on the street。

A few black cats, which are bigger than the hairballs, bolted。

They are seven to eight times bigger than the size of the hairball monsters in the hospital. But their legs are still very short,and deeply stuck in their round body. They did not look at Li Fei and Jian Hua who was hiding in the car,but hurriedly ran over the hood in a panic. The sharp claws in their abdomen left several scratches on nearby vehicles。

Jian Hua asked with his eyes, This is your own car, right?

Li Fei held his forehead,nodding。

Suddenly, Li Fei felt his whole body shiver. He has no control over the flames that suddenly surrounded him,almost burning the seat cushion. Fortunately, Jian Hua ignored it,and slapped him on the shoulder,letting Li Fei’s mind go back and suppress his abilities。

At the distant intersection, in the direction they were supposed to take, a huge shadow appeared。

It has several tentacle-like things,climbing buildings to move forward. Its weight made the smaller vehicles squeak from the pressure。

A series of screams were heard. Li Fei saw one of the tentacles holding two stretched-out hairballs,slowly stuffing it into the shadows of its body,and the cries stopped not long after。

After it finished eating, the tentacle monster continues along the street. If Li Fei had not turned around, even if it didn’t hit the car, they will still block the monster’s way。

Only until that sizeable ugly figure disappeared, did Li Fei whisper, “You saw it with your abilities?”

When they were in the hospital and they were attacked by a group of monkeys,it can be assumed that because Jian Hua has extraordinary hearing,he can find them so early. But the situation just now cannot be explained by just this。

Jian Hua nodded, admitting it. His expression ugly, “I can feel the presence of unusual creatures in the Abandoned World. If we meet head-on, we have to pay a heavy price. Even the power in my body is keeping me from getting close.”

Li Fei felt the same on that point. The fierce blazing beast in his heart is restless,as if its feathers are about to explode。

“We can avoid it just fine. Someday, Major Zhang may be able to bring heavy weapons in the Abandoned World so let him solve this thing by himself.” Li Fei restarts the vehicle. Fortunately, he is not a man who is crazy about cars. Otherwise, those scratches on the front of the car would be enough to make him uncomfortable。

“Assuming that these monsters live in another world, it should be dense forest. The hairball creatures are good at hiding. The monkey’s long arms will allow them to swing on branches,and grab the food hiding on the cracks. But what about this octopus-like monster?” Li Fei cannot understand it。

It doesn’t belong to any creatures living in a jungle。

“Maybe it was a rainforest.” Jian Hua whispered。

Li Fei looked at Jian Hua from the rearview mirror. He suddenly remembered something and laughed with ease. “So you’ve seen that movie. When I just started in this industry,there was no good opportunity so I can only pick bad scripts.”

It was a sci-fi drama with special effects. It recounted four young college students who met an accident on their way to graduation. The arrived at an alien planet in a rainforest. Occupying the top of the food chain was a giant squid. It had hard skin and used a few tentacles to move between the trees. The humidity of the rainforest can efficiently provide the moisture that it needs. The squid, which also has wisdom and very evil,is the villain in the movie。

During the actual shooting,the crew bought a dozen different pink squid toys。

Even Li Fei,thinking of himself screaming in fear in front of the camera. Later, during the editing, it was just a magnified plush toy——have to say,if his true love can finish watching this show,can he maintain his image without being embarrassed?

“The plot and the picture is kind of......*cough*!”

Jian Hua felt the need to explain. He doesn’t want to cause too many misunderstandings because Li Fei is no longer just his employer. According to their pleasant mode of getting along,he can become an ally or even a friend。

——Not counting now,because their trust hasn’t reached that yet。

Treating a stranger as someone who has the right to speak,but Jian Hua doesn’t care what the other person thinks. But for people who will become his friends in the future,Jian Hua will pay attention to each other’s emotional changes,not saying words that are too rude。

“You know,I don’t have a talent for acting. But I never gave up. I tried to change.” Jian Hua looked at his reflection on the window. He dropped out of high school,and he relied on self-study until today. In Jian Hua’s view,as long as there is interest and with a hard enough effort,there’s nothing he can’t learn。

Jian Hua’s first big comeback is acting。

The entertainment circle has more experienced people. Not half a year into the industry,Jian Hua found that those more experienced can always see through his mind. He guessed himself where the problem is。His eyes. The muscle control on his face. His shoulders. The subconscious movements of his fingers. This micro-expressions can reveal a person’s mind,and it’s also essential when playing a role。

“Take acting skills for example. The easiest way to figure out a role is to think of yourself as that person,all the character’s emotions are your own.” Jian Hua did not finish. The drawbacks of this method are that,it’s too tiring!Rather than acting, he’s more like a psychiatrist。

“Even though the sci-fi movie has bad special effects, but the lack of funding is a test of your acting skills. You’re really......um,very talented.” Jian Hua recalls the 18-year-old Li Fei in the movie. His acting is not yet very skillful,but the basic expressions are in place. But even though the casting is just too bad,the camera always focuses on the actor, so it’s very suitable as a reference for beginner actors。

Li Fei accepted the praise of his crush。

Although Jian Hua explained that he is not a fan and explicitly looking for that movie is not because of his “true love”。

“The idea of a rainforest squid is too outrageous......” Li Fei’s expression suddenly froze. He slammed on the brakes,and fought with the steering wheel, making the Ferrari stand in place with two wheels on one side。

Jian Hua responded quickly and grabbed the top armrest。

“Oh my God,it can change color.” Li Fei stiffly said。

“What? I can’t feel it.” Jian Hua’s expression considerably changed。

Li Fei closed his eyes, and his vision became clearer. “In front of the building at 10 o’clock. There’s a green band on the gingko tree,the canopy is also denser than the other gingko trees on this street,isn’t it?”

Jian Hua’s pupil contracted. This road is a famous landscape in Huai City. Every autumn,golden leaves covered the ground,and it was very beautiful。These gingko trees have hundreds of years of history,and are relatively tall。Li Fei said that the tree on the roadside,if they continued driving,they must pass under the canopy。

Looking closely,the density of the canopy is abnormal. The direction of the branches is also not right......

“Go back.” Jian Hua whispered。

“It’s useless. It’s coming at us.”

Li Fei smiled. In this group of monsters,the hairballs will swarm,but timid;the long-armed monkeys hold grudges,and will call friends to revenge;the strange tentacle monster is even smarter,it actually pretended to leave,then changed its color to camouflage to ambush us halfway。

“Abandon the car?” Jian Hua used pure rational judgement。

As long as they flee to the buildings on the side,and find an elevator to drill into,this monster will be helpless. But if they stay in the car,just one tentacle can crush the car like a metal can。

“Not gonna work!The direction it had just left is the opposite of this one. It can actually get to the front and ambush us here. Unless it’s not the same rainforest squid, otherwise, with its speed, after we get off, there would be no time to run!”

Li Fei was influenced by Jian Hua and just called this monster a rainforest squid。

“Use our ability?”

“You want me to cook such a big squid?Or do you want us to float this thing and throw it around?” Li Fei asked。

Jian Hua is silent,giving a look saying “forget it”。

They had not yet had time to discuss countermeasures,when the tentacle monster, who hasn’t moved for a long time to wait for its prey, suddenly launched an attack. The camouflage color of golden leaves and gray-brown trunk faded away. The leaden body suddenly shrunk,and several tentacles approached them through the front。

This momentum is not to the degree of just leaving scratches on the car,the glass windows will definitely shatter。

The Ferrari rapidly reversed. Li Fei even took into account the circumstances behind him,flexibly avoiding obstacles。

The tentacles are incredibly fast. But after penetrating several cars,the rainforest squid can only stop attacking. It moved its body to pull the tentacles out. Li Fei used this gap to step on the accelerator,and speed away。

“You practiced racing?” Jian Hua tried to concentrate,and used his ability to push the obstacles in front of the car。

“Once filmed a racing movie but the thrilling shots are synthetic,how’d I do?” Li Fei replied while finding joy in sorrow (enjoy something in spite of one’s suffering)。

“It’s going around the front intersection, turn right!”

Jian Hua promptly reminded. The Ferrari rushed into the sidewalk while the rainforest squid’s tentacles attacked the other side of the road。

“I see, you’re really talented.” Jian Hua endured his dizziness to say that。

“It’s mainly thanks to my eyes.” Li Fei has cold sweat on his forehead. He accurately captures opportunities,again going through the center of two tentacles,”I’m almost 30 before I knew I could do something so crazy.”

Jian Hua did not feel like joking. He said impatiently, “Damn it. It hid again,I can’t detect where it is!”

“Rooftop of the residential building on the right!” Li Fei exposed the camouflage with a glance。

The steering wheel and tires were overloaded and began emitting abnormal noises。Jian Hua is once again glad that they did not use his car. With its poor quality, how can it withstand such a tragedy?

The vehicles on the street suffered. Even a part of the roadside buildings was crushed by the tentacles, smashing its glass windows。

After another unsuccessful attack,the rainforest squid lurked again。

“Front、back、left、right......strange,where is it?” Li Fei said to himself,and suddenly realized,”Not good. Hold steady,it’s above us!”

“Hong (*boom*)!” A colossal sound came from the roof。

The roof caved in a visible arc。

“It’s too heavy! Not good,the tires can’t withstand the load,the car also......”

Wanting to throw off the monster on the roof is even worse. Its rough tentacles hanged down and tightly clung to the car,tight enough that the door was deformed. Also, if they want to escape, they can’t open it。

The monster’s yellow eyes slowly appeared from the top of the front glass window。

At the same time, the car finally met the ground with a spark,nearing its end。

“Get down!”

The two people bend down their body at the same time. The rear glass of the car shattered. One of the tentacles aggressively came in,as if wanting to drag the prey out。

Flames burst out,and the glass on all four sides shattered. High-temperature flames flowed out like Medusa’s snake hair,divided into numerous probes,and at suddenly burst out at each end as if it were mouths,fiercely biting onto the tentacle。

The rainforest squid who parked on top of the car jerked. It does not seem to have vocal organs。

The suction cups on the tentacles all tightened up,and the ash colored rough skin turned red due to the flames. But it still did not give up,angrily lashing the car, and scrapping it。

Before it becomes a grilled squid,Jian Hua and Li Fei would be dead first。

“If the oil spills,we’re all screwed.” Li Fei tries hard to control his abilities,trying to avoid damaging the vehicle itself. But the rainforest squid tightened too much,now the car will have the same fate。

A tentacle grabbing onto the car burst into flames. After Li Fei saw it,he struggled to save Jian Hua. But he is in the front seat,and Jian Hua is in the back。

He was horrified at that time,and Li Fei suddenly felt a sharp sting from his heart. A strong sense of crisis rushed to his forehead,and he was too late to stop the drowning choking sensation. The whole car spun and turned upside down。

Jian Hua held a hand on the tip of the monster’s tentacle. Invisible strings came out of it and scattered the flames. It moved to the other tentacles,making the rainforest squid’s body suffer violent convulsions, and the whole car shook with it。

“Peng (*bang*)!”

This colossal monster slipped from the car with a burnt smell,and fell on the road,dead。

The author has something to say:

Small Theater:

“Cook a big squid with your abilities?”

Li Fei (⊙﹏⊙):This is beyond the scope of the problem!

PS: About the squid living in the rainforest, there is a documentary titled《The Future Rhapsody》. It features about 5 million or a hundred million years later......the creatures that may appear on Earth. The setting here is not really consistent with the documentary.

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