The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers

Chapter 21

“Brother Xu, what’s wrong with the energy supply?”

“Report to the general! The lights on this side of the hospital are all off!”

When the light was off, Xu Yao took Le Yao to his arms and came out of the house. He used a communicator to light his surrounding and found that many people came out to their yard.

Yan Jie said, “Brother Xu, I feel something’s wrong.”

He remembered that when he just came outside, he could see many stars in the sky, but now he couldn’t see any of it. And there was a cool wind outside which was very rare for them to have a cool wind in this season.

“Tell everyone not to panic and use the communicator to light up.” said Xu Yao. "Yan Jie, you take two technicians to find out what’s going on.”

Suddenly Le Yao said, “Don’t go! Really, he can’t solve the light problem. General, you’d better ask the hospital, whether Vice Commander Tang is still in the hospital or not.”

Xu Yao has been paying attention to the direction of the hospital since he found out that Le Yao was starring at it. He immediately called Wen Yan, the attending doctor he had contacted before, “How is Tang Ye?”

The doctor said, “He’s okay. It just...” The doctor turned a corner and walked to Tang Ye’s ward. He caught a sight of the two guards who fell unconscious at the door. He hurried to run there and checked their condition. He saw that the sterile cabin inside that not long ago was still bright, now dim and the person inside was gone. His eyes instantly widened, “Gen...general, the vice commander, he is gone!!”

“How could it be?” Yan Jie heard the doctor’s voice from Xu Yao’s communicator, “He was badly hurt right?” In the afternoon, although he didn’t enter the ward with Le Yao and Xu Yao, he already went to see Tang Ye in the morning. It was impossible to such serious injury to recover this fast!

“Shh, he is here.” When Le Yao saw the leaves in a certain area shaking back and forth unconventionally, he suddenly felt a thick grievance in the air. “Jingling” the toothless dinosaur rattle in his hand shook.

“Brother, it’s a bit troublesome.” Ji Fengyu was standing behind Le Yao. Hearing the bell jingling and a shadow come closer, he took a deep breath. The wound on the chest of the silver-haired alpha walking towards them was shocking, but what was more frightening was the dead grievances in his body.

When looked at his face, Le Yao clearly saw a man of sixty or seventy years old. He didn’t know what this ghost had suffered before, but his appearance was frightening. He was as skinny as a tree and his eyes were sunken. His hand wasn’t like a normal hand either but like a pair of sharp iron hooks. While his face was covered with whiplash marks and several thin strands of white hair were scattered around his ears.

When he was walking around, the two “iron hooks” was sometimes closed, sometimes opened, as if to grasp something. And when he did this, he showed a dark and weird smile on his lips. His mouth was like being cut with scissors. With a smile, he almost grinned to the bottom of his ears.

Ji Fengyu concluded, “I knew there was no free ration in the world.”

Le Yao didn’t speak, but slowly picked up the incense bag he brought out in a hurry before.

Ji Fengyu naturally understood his meaning and said “You should be careful!” Then he lowered himself and disappeared quietly.

At this time, Xu Yao has already approached his brother. Looking at his injured chest, he walked slowly towards his brother who has a wounded but expressionless face. He shouted, “Tang Ye?”

The “Vice Commander Tang”, who had never blinked once, opened his mouth and answered him in a strange tone, “Ahhh.” Then he slowly took out a silver pistol and aimed it at Xu Yao. Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger and “bang!” one gunshot fell and followed by another.

Xu Yao quickly pull Le Yao, who’s behind him, to his embrace and fell down on the grass. Le Yao was pressed heavily by his strong body for a while and couldn’t breathe. He was so embarrassed in this intimate position and just wanted to shout "What are you doing?" But looking at this moment, it was impossible to angry at him. Xu Yao held up his body, and he found that the gun had made more than ten holes in his house!


“Vice Commander Tang!” Yan Jie shouted angrily, “What are you doing? Are you crazy?”

“What the hell are you doing Tang Ye!" Xu Yao faced Yan Jie and said, "Get me the anesthesia gun!” Xu Yao dragged Le Yao to Uncle Ming and said, “Take him to the safe place!”

“No, let me here! The gun doesn’t work for him!” Le Yao said, “Let me go, Uncle Ming! They can’t handle this. Let me go!”

“I have to carry out orders! I’m sorry, Mr. Xiao Le.”

Uncle Ming was not young anymore, but he sure has a lot of energy. Once he held Le Yao, he couldn’t even escape from this old man’s grasp. He was taken away in hurry to a safe place. The bag filled with incense was shaken and the broken bowls in it were clanging. At this time, there was another gunshot. Tang Ye fired another shot at Xu Yao, but this time Xu Yao decided to attack back.

Although he didn’t know why the brother who was always block bullets for him in the battlefield suddenly took a gun and aimed it at him, Xu Yao began to fight back with different method as Tang Ye before. He controlled his aircraft remotely and just flied it to the top of Tang Ye. Then he listened to “whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...” sound. With this continuous, fast and heavy sound, several thick metal tubes arms were directly inserted into the ground, and a metal cage with a height of about 2.3 meters and 1 meter diameter was erected around Tang Ye!

Le Yao was just about to be pulled into a room and he shouted, “General! This way of operation is too provocative! You must not get too close to him!”

The soldiers who heard the madam’s loud and crisp roar: “...”

Uncle Ming made a worried face, “Mr. Xiao Le, you should be quiet. It’s dangerous for you to shout like this. Now the general doesn’t know what the actual situation. What if the vice commander intends to hurt you?”

Le Yao said, “He can’t hurt me as long as he doesn’t get out of that metal cage. Uncle Ming, please let me go. I promise I won’t run.”

When Uncle Ming saw that the distance was safe and far enough, he let go of Le Yao’s hand. At the same time, Le Yao was also paying close attention to Xu Yao’s situation. Although he was far away, his vision was very good. Let alone that the old devil seemed to have fluorescent effect on his body, he could also see “Tang Ye” in the cage who was smiling and staring at the outside.

The old devil could get out of the cage without Tang Ye’s body, but he didn’t do it. Instead he rubbed the electrical railing with his bare hand. His hand burned and he hissed in his throat. He still held the gun on his other hand all the time. He probably knew that the body he was using now was an important person, so he laughed arrogantly while looking at Xu Yao.

Naturally, Xu Yao would not be so foolish as to go straight to grab the gun. He has ordered Liu Yi, the head of the heavy armor division, to focus on the gun. Liu Yi controlled a huge metal palm-like weapon. Xu Yao signaled the aircraft to lift two railings in front of Liu Yi so the metal palm grabbed the pistol in Tang Ye’s hand.

This should be an easy task to do, to snatch a gun from a wounded person. But who knew that Vice Commander Tang’s grip was so strong. The gun was not snatched at the first attempt.

After all, he was a brother who fought side by side in the battlefield. Liu Yi didn’t want Tang Ye to get hurt, so he used less strength. At the moment, seeing Tang Ye’s resistance, Liu Yi added another 20% of his strength. With such a pull, Vice Commander Tang released the gun, but because of the pull, he also jumped out of the cage!

He jumped six or seven meters high and it wasn’t even a healthy normal person could do!

All the soldiers around were shocked at this sight. When Le Yao saw that the man was going to run away, he shouted, “General! Don’t let him run away with Vice Commander Tang! ”

If the ghost escaped, even the whole division couldn’t even save Tang Ye!

When the soldiers heard what Le Yao said, they all looked at him in confusion. Uncle Ming asked him directly, “What do you mean, Mr. Xiao Le?”

Le Yao said, “It’s a long story to tell, Uncle Ming! I’ll explain to you later.” Le Yao saw Xu Yao come up quickly and stop Tang Ye. So, he squatted down and began to pick up the items in his bag. He grabbed a large number of short and uneven incense sticks and said, “Uncle Ming, please give this incense to the entire soldier as soon as possible, so that they can hold them in their hands and light them. This can help the general to win the situation. Otherwise, they can’t finish the fighting and Vice Commander Tang’s body can’t hold it.”

Uncle Ming didn’t know why, but he still took the incense stick and gave them to the soldiers. Le Yao squatted down again and put out the two bowls of his bag. He took three bowls in total before, but the other one was broken and could not be used again when Xu Yao saved him from the gunshot. Fortunately, the bowls weren’t all broken, though the two bowls he placed on the ground were partially incomplete, but it was better than not.

Le Yao lit the incense in his hand with a lighter. Suddenly, there was a smell of barbecue around.

Originally, he wanted to light this incense for Ji Fengyu and his friends as an offering. He asked Ji Fengyu to go to find a helper before, because the talisman he drew still didn’t enough to stop the evil spirits, and this incense was a thank you gift for their help. Who know that as soon as the smell of the incense flowing through the wind, he hasn’t found his ghost friends yet and the old devil already looked over him!

Obviously, he was still fighting with Xu Yao for one second, and he desperately ran to Le Yao for the next second!

Xu Yao thought that this guy was going to hurt Le Yao, so he immediately grabbed his collar and threw him hardly on the ground. As a result, Tang Ye directly being slammed on the ground and didn’t move! It was like a dead person!

Xu Yao: “...”

The old devil broke away from Tang Ye’s body and flew to Le Yao. When he was flying, there was a gust of foggy wind, blowing the clothes of several people around Le Yao. The old devil looked at the slowly floating incense in the bowl fiercely and thirstily. His greedy eyes were like the weasel saw the chicken.

Le Yao: “Hungry?”

Uncle Ming said, “Are you hungry, Mr. Xiao Le?”

Le Yao said, “Shh. I’m not talking to you, Uncle Ming. Please be quiet first.”

Seeing that Le Yao was speaking in his own direction, the old devil looked back and made sure that there was no one behind him. That should be him the one he was asking, so he nodded.

He wanted to rob it, but the incense could only be eaten when people offered it to the ghost. Otherwise, he couldn’t taste it at all.

When Le Yao saw that he was really hungry and his eyes were green, he tried to say calmly, “Then, if you promise not to hurt people at will, I will offer you a pillar of incense every day.”

People around looked at Le Yao who talked with the thin air and sigh in their hearts. But the old devil stretched his thin, hook like claw hand, and said with his low voice, “Do you dare to threaten me?”

“It’s not right for you to talk like that” said Le Yao. “Have you ever seen threatening each other with incense?”

The old devil stared at Le Yao, and the whip mark on his face was as frightening as the wriggling earthworm.

However, Le Yao had seen all kinds of ghosts before, and he was used to them so he didn’t feel afraid.

Seeing this, the old devil didn’t want to give up the hard-earned dinner, so he said, “30th day, first month of the year of the fifth lunar month, at 3 a.m, Rong Gui.”

Le Yao: “Promise?”

Rong Gui’s throat hissed again, which was obviously show that he was very angry. Just few dare to talk to him like this after all these years! But Le Yao looked at his eyes without being afraid and refused to give in.

In the end, the old guy thought it was too wasteful to let go of the delicious incense. He grinded his teeth and swore, “I promise you I won’t hurt people at will in the future!”

Le Yao just laughed and said, “Okay, promise.”

On the way, Le Yao burned an incense to Rong Gui and went to Xu Yao and Tang Ye, who was still laying on the ground. He said to Rong Gui, “Before you eat, can you get rid of my friend’s evil spirit first? He’s still wounded and need a treatment.”

Rong Gui was starved to death and no one burned him incense all this time. It took hundreds of years to fill his stomach. How could he not be excited? He immediately agreed to get rid of Tang Ye’s evil spirit.

Xu Yao felt that not long after Le Yao finished his sentence, Tang Ye’s face seemed to be a little better. He asked Le Yao, “So, when will Tang Ye wake up?”

“It’s still a long way to go.” said Le Yao. "But in this way, he should be better if we give him the medicine. And if he is sent to the hospital for the treatment, his body will recover soon. I’ll do the rest.”

Just then the stretcher came. The medical staff carefully put Tang Ye on the stretcher.

Tang Ye has a burn wound from the metal cage, and there were several bruises on his body. Xu Yao was not at ease, so he asked Le Yao to go with him. What happened tonight was so strange that he felt it necessary for him to get to know his little wife better.

Le Yao naturally agreed, so he took Rong Gui with him and got on the aircraft with Xu Yao. As soon as the aircraft’s door was closed, all the lights that had been extinguished came back on and the living area was bright again.

People left behind: “...” This, this madam... is there something wrong with him???


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