The Female Soldier Has Been Told to Infiltrate the Imperial Magic Academy

Chapter 85

A man muttered softly as he opened the entrance to the dimly lit tent. Inside, a girl in combat uniform sat alone looking at a map spread out on a small table. It was hard to read her emotion from her expressionless face.

General Clarodos Hasche Sesemann had come to visit Razé Orphan in her tent. The night was so quiet, one could hear a pin drop.

“You’re strong, but there is only one you. It’s impossible to save everyone,” Sesemann said as he walked in and sat down on a chair in front of Razé.

He put down a bottle of liquor he had brought on the desk roughly. The smell of strong liquor lingered inside the tent.

“Did you forget the feeling after being a student? Did you feel disgusted being a soldier after enjoying the school life[1]?”

Sesemann opened the bottle of liquor and took a gulp. Razé raised her head. She had a grim expression on her face.

“That’s why I was against the idea of sending you to infiltrate the academy. Once you get to enjoy a normal life, it would be hard to get used to this tough life again. You’ll be the one to suffer.”

Razé thought he was drunk, but his gaze looked serious. Razé lowered her eyes when she realized Sesemann’s kindness. He was the only one who never agreed to let her infiltrate the academy. Razé felt like it had happened ages ago.

“I used to feel that it was tough to be in a battlefield. But that was when I was young. I haven’t felt that way since long time ago,” Razé whispered softly. “What’s painful for me is losing the comrades who have been with me for years… I… Not only for my comrades, but I also hope those friends that was with me for a short moment could live in a peaceful time without any futile war as soon as possible…”

Magenda had purposely attacked Centrior Imperial Magic Academy where the Crown Prince was studying at. No matter how you look at it, it was obviously meant to end the truce between the two countries. It became a signal for the beginning of a new war.

All this while, Shian had been on the defensive side and only fight back when they were attacked. But considering the enemy was targeting the Crown Prince this time, Emperor Gaius had made the decision to be on the offensive side and completely destroy the enemy. Actually, it was rather strange that he hadn’t made that decision earlier but the incident at the academy had become the last straw. It no longer mattered whether this development had anything to do with the otome game.

“You’re only a kid. Why are you talking like an adult?” Sesemann took another gulp of liquor.

“…The people that I don’t want to lose keep increasing in these few years…” Razé clenched her fist on her knees. “I’ve never thought that I’d lose Corporal Terrier…”

She clenched her jaws. When she closed her eyes, she could see the scene where Victor Ochse Terrier, who was in a separate group, was carried unconscious.

A black wound had eroded his entire body. He was soon transferred to an imperial medical facility, but the military healer had told her that he most probably wouldn’t wake up anymore. Even though he was a rookie, he had experience fighting in Baruda together with Razé. But she ended up losing him in this battlefield.

Magenda had played dirty by releasing Baruda’s monsters into the battlefield and let the soldiers went through demonic mutation and fight with each other. It was the most horrible war strategy in the history of mankind.

To put it the other way around, Magenda had been cornered to the point where they had to take such a drastic measure. It was so ridiculous.

――Because it was so ridiculous, I’ve been fighting for a long time

“Let’s end this.” She had no tears. Right now, all she could think of was to do her best not to lose any more comrades. She didn’t want to think about anything else.

“I agree… And I’m not the only.” Sesemann, who was sitting facing the side, turned to face Razé. “There will be a coup d’état.”

Sesemann pointed to Magenda’s capital, away from the area marked on the map spread out on the table. “I need you to take care of this place.”

Razé widened her brown-colored eyes. The weight of his words fell heavy on her.

Sesemann continued, “Go anonymous, infiltrate Magenda and make sure the coup is successful.”

In other words, she needed to make sure the coup was successful without exposing the fact that Shian was helping them. If she died, she would be a nameless victim. –That was what this meant.

“The members for this mission are all Shadow’s Eye. You’ll be the leader since you know Magenda’s geography from your undercover activities before. Will you accept this mission?”

It was very heavy – heavier than any other mission she had ever done. However, there was only one answer.

“— I’ll do it. If this mission could end this war, I’m happy to do it.”

There was no hesitation. She knew it was necessary for her country, for her comrades, for her friends’ future – and for herself.

Hearing her answer, Sesemann replied, “… Okay. I’m counting on you. Make sure to accomplish your mission and come back safely.” His voice was so soft as if it was forced out of his lips.

Sesemann closed his eyes. Deep wrinkles were carved between his eyebrows. He covered his face with his hands while saying “… You are… such a foolish kid. Choosing to live a hard life… You’re really…”

Razé frowned when she heard his muffled voice.

Razé: “I’m sorry. You always play the bad role because of me.”

Sesemann: “Don’t apologize. You’re the one who always end up doing tough mission… Damn it. Don’t look down on an old man’s tears.”

Looking at Sesemann talking frankly, Razé couldn’t help but chuckle and relaxed her shoulders. With the mood changed, Razé looked for some snack from her drawer. She took out some prosciutto, cheese and crackers and put them on the table. She cut them into bite sizes and served them to Sesemann.

He covered his face with his hands for a while before suddenly raising his head as if he had recalled something. “Those kids sent you some letters. Did you hear anything about it?”

Razé nodded ambiguously. “But Razé Granoli doesn’t exist anymore…”

She had no regrets about leaving the academy. She only felt melancholy for not being able to watch over them until their graduation. And she felt sorry for leaving without saying goodbye.

Sesemann: “They have been probing for clues about you. I think they might find you sooner or later. Well, they might stop asking once they heard Granoli is dead.”

Razé didn’t know how to reply to Sesemann.

Now that the war has begun, the academy was safer than any other place in Shian as it was protected by high-level barriers and talented knights. In fact, it was safer than the Imperial Palace in the capital city.

She was very surprised when she found out that the school could move its location. But it made sense since no one was able to find its location before. Besides, Centrior was such an important institution, so it was only natural that the country would use high technology to protect it.

By this time, the students would be able to lead a normal life safely. The fact that there was a war going on somewhere on the border of the country was something that they could only read on papers.

Sesemann: “You look awkward.”

“Well…” Razé spoke hesitantly before taking a piece of cheese and put it into her mouth.

Sesemann: “Are you really okay with eliminating Razé Granoli’s identity?”

Razé: “… I think this is as far as I can go for keeping that identity. I don’t think I can keep lying anymore. And honestly, my hands are full…”

“Hmm, you’re right.” Sesemann nodded to her as he picked up a cracker on the plate.

Razé: “Right now, I need to focus on this mission.”

Razé stared fixedly at the map. She hadn’t forgotten about Carna or Folia. It was a fact that she had spent time with them as Razé Granoli. She was well aware that she had let her personal feeling interfere with her duty. She would want to continue being friends with them if she could.

She was afraid to think how they would react when they found out that she had been lying to them. She wondered if they would be able to accept her when they knew her real identity.

She didn’t even know if she would still be alive – to be able meet them again after this mission. She had other things to prioritize. She was taking a responsibility by abandoning Razé Granoli’s identity.

Razé gently stared at the unopened letters that she had put in between her thick notebook.

[1] In the raw Sesemann literally said “after being shown the light halfway”. You can interpret this in many ways. ↩

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