Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 187 The impending discussion for Rivkaʼs mission?

Chapter 187 The impending discussion for Rivka?s mission?

(POV: Akashic Records)

In the majestic God Continent, home to divine beings and mortals blessed with a touch of divinity, Rivka, the Fifth Commandment, strolled gracefully through the bustling capital city of Dratis in the renowned Aurelian Empire. The humans residing in the Empire, descendants of the divine seed bestowed upon Aurelia by Ryxlogius, possessed a hint of transcendence, an essence that distinguished them from ordinary humans beyond the continent\'s borders. However, Aurelia, beloved as the Hero Goddess, held no prejudice against those lacking divinity, for her love extended to all of humanity.

However, her hatred for non-human races were on another level.

Ascending the grand staircase, Rivka made her way to a remarkable building. Adjusting the sword sheathed at her waist she raised her hand to knock on the door, but before she had the chance, it swung open effortlessly, revealing Ignatius, Lady Aurelia\'s faithful attendant.

His emerald locks swayed with each movement as he bowed respectfully, his countenance stern.

"Lady Rivka, I\'ve been eagerly awaiting your arrival," Ignatius announced.

Curiosity piqued, Rivka quirked an eyebrow and questioned Ignatius\'s purpose.

"Lady Aurelia asked that I meet with you... Is there some pressing matter that requires my attention?"

With a gracious gesture, Ignatius beckoned her to enter, granting her a glimpse into his personal sanctuary.

"Please, Lady Rivka, come inside. I\'ve prepared something special for you," he said.

Adjusting the crimson tresses framing her face, Rivka followed Ignatius into the room, her piercing sapphire gaze scanning the exquisite surroundings.

"I must admit, your taste isn\'t halfbad.." Rivka commented.

Humble as ever, Ignatius inclined his head and expressed his gratitude.

"Thank you, Lady Rivka. Your kind words mean a great deal to me."

As Rivka sought guidance on where to sit, Ignatius unveiled a chair with a flourish and directed her to her designated spot.

"Please, have a seat, Lady Rivka."

She took a seat.

After Ignatius left the room, Rivka waited patiently, her curiosity growing with each passing minute.

Half an hour felt like an eternity before the attendant finally returned, delicately balancing two plates in his hands.

He set one before Rivka, placing the other across from her on the ornate dining table.

"Ignatius, I\'m not particularly hungry," Rivka spoke softly.

Ignatius, however, gently shook his head.

"Lady Aurelia would be displeased if I didn\'t offer you a taste of my finest cuisine," Ignatius reasoned, his voice as smooth as silk. "As my esteemed guest, it is my duty to provide you with an exquisite meal."

Rivka sighed, realizing how futile it was to argue with Ignatius.

She reached for the hilt of her sword, removing it from her waist before placing it carefully against the nearest wall.

Her gaze returned to Ignatius.

"Well then, Ignatius, what do you have prepared for me?"

With a flourish, Ignatius unveiled the covered dish, revealing its contents to Rivka\'s inquisitive gaze.

"This, Lady Rivka, is a dish known as Blue Serpent Stew," he announced, pride evident in his tone.

The aroma that wafted from the dish was rich and exotic.

Using a fork presented by Ignatius, Rivka carefully pierced one of the tender cuts of meat and dipped it into the pool of melted butter before bringing it to her lips. As the flavors exploded across her taste buds, a look of sheer astonishment took hold of her countenance. Her cheeks turned a rosy shade, and for a moment, she couldn\'t help but let out a small, delighted squeak of enjoyment.

But as soon as she became aware of her uncharacteristic display of emotion, she swiftly composed herself, maintaining a cool facade.

"Ah, well, it\'s... It\'s quite satisfactory," Rivka remarked, her voice slightly choked with embarrassment.

A faint smirk tugged at Ignatius? lips.

"Are you sure, Lady Rivka?" he inquired with a bow raised.

She coughed to clear her throat, her cheeks still red. "I said I\'m fine..."

As Rivka delicately took another bite of the tantalizing Blue Serpent Stew, she cherished the taste again.

"Where on earth did you manage to acquire such a delicacy?" she asked, unable to conceal her intrigue. "I\'m quite certain there are no creatures of this nature in the God Continent."

"I thought you said it was merely satisfactory," Ignatius inquired.

Rivka hooked. "I... I stand by what I said.." she cleared her throat, "Which is why I want to know where you got the idea for such a dish."

"Of what use would that be for such a mediocre dish."

Ignatius didn\'t see the need arguing that his culinary skills were exceptional.

If Rivka said it was just— okay, then maybe that\'s what it was.

"Just answer the question," said Rivka.

Relishing every morsel, Ignatius paused for a moment.

"Well the blue serpent itself I got from Gideon."

Rivka\'s face contorted in disgust, and she had to suppress the urge to vomit at the mere mention of Gideon\'s name. That insufferable man, with his arrogant demeanor and perpetually irritating smirk. She shuddered at the thought, but tried her best to maintain her composure.

"P- perhaps you should\'ve informed me earlier," Rivka stammered, wiping beads of sweat off her forehead. "Though it doesn\'t change the fact that this stew is indeed... acceptable."

Ignatius noticed Rivka\'s discomfort.

"Lady Rivka, is there something wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

Seeing no escape, Rivka took a deep breath and forced a smile.

"N-no, Ignatius, everything is perfectly fine. I see now why your choice of ingredients were... unique."

Ignatius shrugged nonchalantly and took another decadent bite of his serpent meat.

Rivka\'s hands trembled as she placed her fork against her plate.

"But why would Gideon be so considerate as to provide such... delicacies for me?" Rivka\'s voice wobbled, the fork bending under the pressure of her grip.

Ignatius smiled, leaning back in his chair.

"It seems you\'ve mistaken dear Gideon. He happened to overhear Corvus and me discussing what would be the best dish to serve an esteemed lady such as yourself."

"And...?" Rivka perspired more, her hands trembling like an earthquake.

"And then... he ventured beyond the borders of our beloved continent to fetch it for you..."

Gritting her teeth, Rivka?s fork bent even more. "That bastard.."

"Come again?" Ignatius asked.

Rivka smiled and took another bite, "N-no... it\'s fine."

They sat there in silence for a while.

When the awkwardness finally died out, Rivka could finally speak.

"So, why did I have to come here?" Rivka asked.

Ignatius? stare had gone from jovial to jaded in seconds.

"It\'s about Lumiere... the newborn Curse King..."

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