Davies shot himself off at a high speed towards the black-masked thief while brandishing a sword made of icy liquid mana, while the black-masked thief was doing his best to avoid Davies\'s slashing attack of icy liquid mana as he felt a sense of danger coming from the attack, but in the end, he couldn\'t get out of the way of the attack so he decided to phase through it, but that was when it all went wrong… for the black-masked thief, that is.

Instead of phasing through the attack like he was expecting, the icy liquid mana cut into his body instead of phasing through it and ended up cutting off his left arm. A thin layer of ice also began to spread over his body from wherever the icy mana had come in contact with as it cut through him. 

The force of the attack sent the black-mask thief flying until he crashed with his back into the wall and fell to the floor, retching up blood due to the force. His right hand went towards where his left arm used to be, but only grabbed onto his now cleanly severed shoulder and he gritted his teeth in pain as he lay with his back against the wall, the energy to get back up seemingly knocked out of him.

\'So that works,\' Davies thought while releasing up a pent-up breath that even he didn\'t know he was holding onto. He looked at the icy liquid-like mana-shaped sword that he held in his hand. The concentrated mana had not actually taken a physical form but was simply mana that was very pure and concentrated enough that it could now be seen.

But even though it could now be seen, that didn\'t change the fact that it was still not a physical object. It could be explained in the same way that when a whirlwind happens and the wind could be seen moving around in a whirl, or when the heat that was present in the atmosphere was high enough that it caused the air to shimmer, thereby seemingly having a physical presence when it was still, in fact, not tangible.

"Not so invincible now, are you?" Davies taunted, a great weight having been lifted off his chest as he finally had a way to deal with a problem that had proven itself to be very annoying since he couldn\'t touch it… it was intangible, so to speak.

"*Cough!!!*" The black mask on the black-masked thief\'s face was now stained with the red blood that he had coughed up. Other parts of his body were also stained red from the blood flowing from his injuries, but despite that, he propped himself up with his back against the wall to keep himself upright.

"I really under- *Cough! * underestimated you before," he struggled to speak, it seemed his internal organs had been damaged from the force a which he had been thrown into the wall.

"I\'ll make sure not to do that next time," he barely managed to say out loud.

If it was anybody else in Davies\'s shoes right now, they would have wondered, "What is blud talkin about? Dude can\'t even move yet he\'s talking about next time like he had already escaped,", but Davies immediately acted as soon as he heard those words as they were words someone who still had a card, they hadn\'t played yet would say… and in most cases, that card was usually a trump card.

He shot off at an even faster speed than before and in a second, he was already in range of the intruder and his liquid mana sword was sweeping through the air towards the intruder\'s neck.


The liquid mana sword cut through the air and into the neck and then went all the way through, but Davies immediately felt that something was wrong. Unlike the feeling that he had gotten from the liquid mana sword when he had cut off the arm of the intruder, he didn\'t feel anything when the mana sword passed through the neck of the intruder and that could only mean one thing… the attack had somehow been phased through.

"Huh!?" Davies\'s eyes widened in surprise when he realized that the liquid mana sword that was able to touch him even when he was intangible to physical objects had become ineffective as well.

Before he could even think what to do next, he realized that the black intruder was already sinking into the floor as if the floor was naught but an illusion. Davies quickly used the icy liquid-like mana to coat his hands and he quickly tried to grab the intruder to prevent him from getting away, but his hands that were coated in icy liquid mana still phased harmlessly through the intruder, not managing to grab anything that was on his person, not even his clothes.

Since Davies wasn\'t able to touch him, the intruder phased through the floor undeterred until he disappeared from a now livid Davies.

"Fuck!" Davies slammed a fist into the ground, causing a web of cracks due to the damage from his fist to appear on the floor.

He quickly brought out his phone and called Daniella\'s number. It was not likely that he would be able to find and capture the intruder anymore, but that wouldn\'t stop him from searching for him.


"A rat snuck in and stole some of my tech, find him," Davies began immediately, not even letting her speak.

"Are you alright?" Daniella asked immediately as she knew how strong Davies was and also knew that he wasn\'t going to wait around while someone stole his work, so for someone to be able to steal and even get away from him, the person had to be strong enough to be able to do so.

"I\'m fine, just get your people to keep a lookout for any suspicious movements or activities on the ground floor," Davies instructed as he knew that with the injuries he had managed to inflict on the intruder, it wasn\'t going to be easy for him to get away… unless if he had some other means of getting away without being seen.

"Ok," Daniella acknowledged his orders.

"... Also, he can turn intangible," Davies said after a slight pause, giving her information on the intruder, lest she be caught off guard by his abilities if they ever found him.

"Hmmm!" On Daniella\'s side of the phone, she nodded her head in shock and realization. It was no wonder the intruder was able to get away from Davies.

Davies hung up the phone and went to the supercomputer and started typing in commands rapidly, trying to find out what the intruder had been able to steal away. His anger and unease flared up even more when he realized that it was a part of the project that was meant to be his trump card that had been stolen, but after a few checks, he realized that what the little that the intruder had managed to steal wasn\'t an important part of the project, but barely some information about some of the things that the project could be used for.

They weren\'t even able to get a single prototype of the things he actually considered important, so with that, his unease was reduced, but he was still livid at the fact that someone had actually dared to try to steal his technology.

He would have to look into this as well, but he didn\'t think anyone below the level of the four great families would dare to do something like this, but he needed more information about this issue before he could get back at whichever bastard thought it was a good idea to steal his things.

He began to look into other things on the supercomputer pertaining the project while waiting for a report from Daniella about the intruder.

***Black-Masked Intruder POV***

He had finally been away to get away from the monster known as Davies Lake, by using his trump card skill, "Perfect Intangibility". The skill made him intangible to everything, both physical and non-physical. In this state, he couldn\'t see, hear, smell, or even breathe, hence he didn\'t like using the skill very often… the fact that it also used a shit ton of mana helped with that decision. 

Luckily the way the skill worked was that it used everything that his mana was in contact with to become intangible as well, otherwise, he wouldn\'t be able to escape with his clothes, let alone the USB drive that he had lost so much to acquire whatever that was inside of it.

After a while of using perfect intangibility, he deactivated it only to realize that he was just about to reach the ground floor, he quickly gathered himself and used his last bits of energy to stabilize himself and land well, doing his best to not damage anything else in his body.

Somehow, he was able to gather enough energy to land well, and now all that remained was for him to get away from the building without being seen, but luckily, he had a way to deal with that, especially after he found out that there were groups of men in all black clothing moving around the building to secure the area.

He brought out a strip of paper with weird engravings on it and began to inject his mana to activate it. The weird strip of paper with engravings was a random low-level escape charm that could make one teleport to a random location within a ten-mile radius of where it was used. 

Even though it had the words low level in its name, the escape charm wasn\'t a tool that just anyone could get and even he, a master thief only managed to steal one from one of his previous targets.

The engravings on the charm had begun to glow due to the mana that had been inputted into it and with a bright flash, a white light covered him, and he disappeared from his location.


The sickening sound of flesh being pierced was the first sound the black-masked intruder heard after he was teleported, immediately after a sharp pain could be felt in his chest. 

His sight fell down to see a sharp blade stuck into his chest which was the cause of the pain he was feeling, his eyes ran along the sword to the arm that held it and then onto the face of whoever held the blade.

The surprised look of a young Asian man who currently had his sword struck into his heart was what came into view before everything began to fade to black as his life slipped away from him and he dropped to the floor, dead.

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