Don’t Concern Yourself With That Book

Chapter 254

“I’m not sure about that. Why would the emperor bring me here just to keep me hostage?”

Auresia tried to keep herself calm.

“Why not? The successor to the Temple of Death is the only one capable enough to stand up against the Heir of the Lord. More importantly, the God of Death, who is now missing, was only second to the Lord of the Gods, right? Although the God of Death has been imprisoned by the Lord.”

“I don’t think it’s right to indulge in discussion about forbidden history.”

However, the 1st Princess did not seem to care even with Auresia’s calm warning. She seemed to only care about getting her point across.

“I heard the rumours. That the current successor to the Temple of Death was very powerful and that they were a woman. Perhaps that’s why you were brought here? To keep the Temple of Death in check. Father seems to be wary about potential chaos ensuing in the Empire.”

Just as she had expected, the 1st Princess seemed to be aware of her identity. Even the reason why she was currently staying in the Imperial Palace. When she realised the formidability of the woman in front of her, the 1st Princess let go of her hand.

“But you guessed wrong. We’re not here to instigate a great coup. Funnily enough, only the three of us are interested in doing so. I just came for a visit to show him around the palace and we were just about to leave. It’s dangerous to stay.”

When she released her hand, the 1st Princess smiled at Auresia before dragging the dazed man before her.

“Now, introduce yourself. Acheron. I’ve mentioned this before, haven’t you? What templars have purple eyes?”

“The T-Templars of Death?”

“Good. I’ve taught you well. Now, hurry and introduce yourself.”

The man whom the 1st Princess pushed forward introduced himself.


Auresia slowly raised her head.

“Uh, I-I’m Acheron. Since I’m just a commoner, I don’t have a surname.”

The voice that drifted into her ears felt as cool as ice. The silhouette of the man with his back against the moonlight slowly revealed itself in front of her eyes.

“And I’m a very very distant relative of the 1st Princess’, my lady.”

Auresia was surprised when she saw the man up close. His appearance didn’t match his cold voice at all. His drooping eyes were glistening and his features fit well in his voice. In other words, he looked flawless. Even Auresia, who was used to seeing so many outstanding beauties after her many interactions with the Templars of Beauty and Love, was forced to acknowledge his looks.

“So, you both have a common ancestor?”

“Huh? Oh, yes.”

Upon closer inspection, Auresia thought he looked a lot cuter than she first thought. It was partly due to his less-than-manly attitude and also partially because of his cat-like drooping eyes. Moreover, his eyes were of a strange colour–a mix of brown and gold.


Aureia suddenly had a random thought. He might look even better if he was flustered.

“Excuse… me…”

The man glanced at Auresia. But upon noticing Auresia’s proud look towards him, he soon lowered his head again.

“You may speak.”

Under the moonlight, Auresia noted how red the man’s face was getting.

“Well, I’m just a commoner so speaking to you is…”

Why did the man’s ears turn red every time he made eye contact with her?

“I don’t think a surname is necessary to have a conversation.”


“Do not care about your status too much.”

Since he was of a forbidden lineage in the Imperial Family, Auresia was technically of higher status. But that didn’t matter to her. She might find his dithering attitude distasteful but Auresia still introduced herself courteously anyway.

“It’s nice to meet you. I am Auresia. The successor to the Templar of Death.”

Out of courtesy, Auresia gave a slight grin.

That made the man’s face turn completely red. Auresia did find it interesting. Time seemed to drift slowly as if time itself had been rewound as what looked like red flowers in spring bloomed on his cheeks and his ears.

“Uhm, I!”


With a snap of his wrist, the man held her hands in his.

“… Yes?”

He stared straight into Auresia’s eyes. The now bewildered Auresia widened her eyes as the man’s shapely lips parted.

“Please marry me!”

Looming back, the only times Auresia truly smiled was whenever she was with her friends.

And back when she loved him.


“I heard that the emperor had sent the princess to Ripe.”

Auresia slowly raised her head. The same time the face she longed so much for disappeared before her eyes, an elegant woman took its place.

“Isn’t that where the Templars of Snow and the Sea are situated?”


“From what I know, you are quite close to the Head Templar of Snow and the Sea.”

“Is that so?”

Auresia flashed a smile at Ioste, the 6th Queen, as if she meant nothing with her words. Ioste was once set to take over the Temple of Vulcanus as its head and had been known for her brilliance and wit. So, she might have already been aware of everything.

“You must be thinking that I had sent the princess to the Templars of Snow and the Sea on purpose.”

“Yes. Since that man once had such a passionate crush on you.”

Thousands of years ago, the Temple of Death and the City of Snow and the Sea had a special exchange. This was only possible since their gods were known to be very close to each other.

The God of Death had ruled the underworld and was known to be on equal terms with the Lord of the Gods as brothers and as gods. The God of Snow and the Sea had sworn their allegiance to the God of Death. Their cordial relationship continued as the God of Snow and the Sea remained loyal to the God of Death. Pontus, the current Head Templar of Snow and the Sea, was especially loyal to the Temple of Death.

‘This information is well-known.’

Even Ioste, who remained oblivious to rumours, knew how deep Pontus had fallen for Auresia to court her so persistently.

‘Though this all happened 20 years ago.’

In any case, Ioste did not believe that it was the emperor that had ordered the princess to leave the palace at such a time.

“Are you going to let the princess go like this?”

This was the woman who had the emperor dancing on the palm of her hands. There was no way she had nothing to do with this. But Auresia did not respond and instead just deepened her smile. Ioste raised her eyebrows slightly.

Unable to hold herself back any longer, Ioste was just about to speak before Auresia interrupted her languidly.

“What about you? Do you plan to take the princess to such a faraway place?”

Though her voice was alluringly husky, as if to strip any listener of their reason, it was also as dry as sand.

“Well. If I can.”

Ioste pondered for a moment. Though she did not see her often, the young princess, Ashley Rosé, was someone who had been by her side for a long time. The reason why she didn’t go visit her that often was because she would get mixed feelings whenever she saw her face.

“It’d be better than facing the tragedy in this place.”

“That sounds so like you, Ioste.”


Slowly shifting her gaze, Ioste eventually looked at Auresia.

“What was that supposed to mean?”

She sounded elegant but there was a strength behind her words that could not be easily ignored. In fact, with one look at her face, it would be apparent from whom the 6th Prince, Fleon, had inherited his eyes from. Even Ioste was reminded of her brother, who had died in the hands of the emperor so long ago, whenever she saw Fleon’s face.

“I’m just saying that since you’re so affectionless, you wouldn’t hesitate to be merciless.”

Even though her gaze was piercing, Auresia readily accepted it.

“Because you’re someone who’s unwilling to give even a shred of affection to your own child.”

Even while listening to such scalding words, she smiled leisurely.

“But I can feel your love for the princess.”

Her words penetrated through Ioste, who was known to not easily trust others’ goodwill. Ioste then slowly lowered her gaze. She dwelled on her response. Soon, she raised her head before saying.

“The princess… is your daughter.”


When Ioste raised her head calmly to face Auresia, she noted how her smile seemed to remain the same. It even felt a little cold.

“That’s an undeniable fact.”

Ioste blinked slowly.

‘Why wasn’t she willing to even say her name?’

She let out a sharp sigh subconsciously. This exasperation was caused by this beautiful woman in front of her.

It was said that the Goddess of Beauty and Love was the most beautiful… But like morning dew itself had been collected and distilled into her hair, her silver hair looked like a field of snow not a soul had tread on. Or did it look more like her hair had shards of moonlight embedded in it which scattered light? She was a woman filled with mysterious charms.

‘Still.. Being too beautiful can bring about its own sorrow. Is it because I know her motives?’

But Ioste thought her beauty was much like a dried flower. A tree someone had uprooted without permission. A dead doll. Right. She was like a fragile glass sculpture. Ioste was familiar with this feeling.

It was something she felt each time she saw herself too.

“Auresia. I have done everything you’ve told me to.”

Staring at her own hands, Ioste chuckled.

“From her education to her emotional upbringing. I’ve looked after her behind her back even in banquets where I wasn’t physically present. I couldn’t let her seek me out herself so I made my child grow close to her.”

“Yes. You did well, Ioste.”

Auresia’s beautiful purple eyes captured Ioste.

“All this time, I had unknowingly taken pity on your child and given her affection.”

A long time ago, Auresia had reached out to Ioste. To resent and loathe the emperor together with her. Ioste had taken her hand. She had no other choice. She had been a mess. Since then, Ioste had followed everything Auresia, the woman who had rescued her from drowning deep in her despair, had asked of her. Everything she had requested revolved around Ashley Rosé.

“Affection, huh…”

“The princess… Do you find her lovely?”

Auresia knew how Ioste had been deeply saddened by the loss of her hammer and anvil. She had given her the appropriate consolation which had in turn earned her loyalty. Now, it was time to find out the reason behind her actions. Sitting upright, Ioste waited for Auresia’s response.

“To fill everything you had lost through her?”

Although Ashley Rosé was clearly her own child, Auresia had never called her by name. To Ioste, it looked like she was forcing herself not to show her own child any affection but at times, she really did seem that insensitive.

“Well, loveliness… is something I’m not familiar with. But Auresia!”


“People are calling the child the sole flower of the palace.”

“Yes. I heard.”

The way Auresia was speaking still made her sound as if she felt nothing for her daughter.

“Why do you think they refer to her as a flower?”

“Is there anything wrong with that?”

“It’s impossible for people to be still-blooming flowers.”

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